How my book came about?  By a Mother who was inspired by her own Children.   My name is Kristen.  I taught my kids in homeschool through Middle School, my son did High School at home as well.  He also went to Public School for automotive classes and ranked 7th in heating and air conditioning.  My daughter took sign languages classes and dance in High School.  Because I homeschool my children I learned how to teach kids with difficulties.  Especially with Dyslexia.  I went to the library checking out books to help in learning disabilities of children.  Putting things in a more simplified form helps all kids learn.  Because all kids have the ability to learn, no matter there circumstances in life.  Jehovah God gave everyone a brain to think and reason with.  It’s the teacher who simplifies things that can reach the child’s heart.  Reach a child’s heart and they can achieve anything they put there mind and heart on to accomplish.  I truly believe my coloring book will reach kids hearts and make them put video gaming a break once in a while.  I have always liked sharing what I learn with others.  It’s what makes life enjoyable!  Find a job where you serve others and you find happiness.  My book is patented because I had a meeting with Invent Help, They said if I add stickers to my book it will be patented.  So I added stickers to my book.  I have an ant sticker that is 9 inches long.  First book in human history to be patented.  The stickers are bigger then average size.  Why?  Because kids like big stickers.  I drew more pictures of what I put in my coloring book and colored them.  Then asked Die Cut Stickers to make them into stickers for me.  It cost me $283.00 to make them into stickers.  So I am giving a discount of $83.00 dollars.  The stickers will cost you.  $200.00.  You will need a printer that can print my colorful stickers. I drew pictures that I colored.  Die Cut stickers helped me turn them into stickers.    The pages of my book are bigger then normal copy paper. The size of my drawings are 9x12IN and in center meters it is 22,9x30,5 CM.  So you will need big and longer paper to print my pages from my online website.  I cannot send out my book, you will have to print the pages yourself on your own printer from my website as well as print the stickers.   If my stickers don’t print out correctly for you. Please let me know, I will mail them to you in the mail.  I want happy customers.
Kristen Fukuda PROOF 12 9 2022
PDF – 7.4 MB 262 downloads
Kristen Fukuda PROOF 1 9 2023 2
PDF – 354.4 KB 184 downloads

A coloring book teaching math and handwriting to special educational children.  Future ones will be on reading, multiplication, and subtraction. 

The contributors of my website are Kristen Fukuda and Tim Dougherty of Dorrance Publishing.  I have more ideas for products to sell, T-shirts, Cereal Bowls, and Coffee Mugs.  In the process of putting these items together.  Keep checking in please.

Making easier for people to pay me.  Please send all payments to my email thru Zelle.

I will also be adding T-shits, coffee mugs, cereal bowls.  In the process of making this.  I need people to purchase so this can come about.  Have a wonderful day everyone.